Wednesday 20 November 2013


It has been a long journey of COM 125!

This module has really enlightened me about the usage of internet. It has enabled be to discover the insights of internet and its really a big sea of information out there on the web. We have to source out for the right source the right way to find what we need, and definitely everyone will be able to share ideas that its fragile. With the web as the platform, to share ideas it would help to develop any idea to be a successful web business in future.

Not like the usual modules where its just lectures and notes to memorize from, but it was a journey of discoveries that would come handy anytime in the current era of evolving web 2.0 and technologies, and even in the upcoming web 3.0.

Knowledge shared from both lecturer and peers during lecture was really interesting and enlightening.With this module, i not only become a better user of the internet and social media, but i have learnt to discover more and more information through the internet. I must say before taking this module I don't use the internet for anything much besides basic social platforms,emails and for school assignments. However now, I use internet as a form of direction for me to search my end goal and to look far ahead into the future.

Internet makes everyone not only interconnected but also enables us to visualize the impossible and make impossible possible in time to come like the upcoming semantic web.

Keeping this in mind we should not only be users of the internet but also all strive to be the creators of the web tomorrow!

Best Wishes to all for the final exams.=)

Sunday 17 November 2013

The Future Internet

The future of internet will be a more open source; more collaborative, more social. It's mixing the virtual world and the physical world in some seamless way and data transmission speeds will increase globally.

However privacy issues becoming an enormous question mark, because the kind of things that people are able to discover about you and use about you or sell about you, which can be quite scary.

Right now, the Internet will be an infrastructure which supports everything we do in our lives.

As seen from the graph above, it shows the number of Internet Users increasing gradually as the years goes by. Now, we are moving to the Internet of things era which is Web 3.0. I found this video and found that its a good video to summarize the future of internet.

With this com 125 has come to the final post, it has been a long and enriching journey. Best Wishes to All for the final paper and Happy Holidays.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Future of the Internet by Studying the Innovators

It’s interesting to see that Apple, Google and Microsoft are active competitors that are creating platform in the IT enterprise and have the greatest impacts on markets due to their ever growing competitions in innovations amid each other and other companies.

There is obvious trend in these competitors which is integration. All of them are trying to integrate the competitor’s strengths while creating a new platform for products in the IT enterprise and it is a diverse battleground.

With tablets and clouds coming, there is a huge market on the horizon. Products are all getting better and they are all approaching a strategy junction, as all companies have their own vision of hardwares and contents for consumers business and each of them has based its success in developing new specific markets.

Nevertheless the recent convergence drives them to competition. In this area, Microsoft is clearly the company with the biggest assets and the most structured organization. It hasn’t succeed in maintaining the momentum effect, creating both innovations and value with the web. In contrast, if Google and Apple have succeeded in catching value from new businesses, the success of Google is mostly based on the performance of its algorithms while Apple uses its strengths in marketing.

And the future challenge according to Gartner, Chief Technology Officers and enterprise architects need supporting structures to the new roles of hunting and harvesting. business strategy formulation, business innovation and business strategy execution, as well as behavioral skills — such as the ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with a wide range of stakeholders. This represents a significant opportunity for enterprise architects to make their role more strategic.

These competencies must be combined with more-agile approaches to innovation, such as being able to run experiments. The ability to identify an opportunity, quickly set it up and pilot it, assess the results and decide to expand into another cycle or kill off is needed to support both hunting and harvesting. Enterprise architecture can support this by providing the enabling and diagnostics deliverables as part of the hypothesis formation, setting up the pilot and assessing the results for the future products to be revolutionary in the IT enterprise.

How Internet Shape the Future of Journalism?

The word “Journalism” refers to the activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines or of broadcasting news on radio or television. However, today Journalism also includes the activity of writing and broadcasting news on the internet too but it’s not necessarily done by a professional creditable journalist.
Traditional Journalism has central authority, is knowledge centric and is similar to a lecture concept like one-to-many in black and white prints. Bold prints, different font sizes, column sizes for a particular new and pictures that draws extra attention to some news and its more objective to have accurate information in Journalism.

However, in the current era of the digital age Internet portrays news differently than traditional journalism, almost all news are available with a headline and the text are standardized for internet viewers, also creating an interaction between the readers about the news becoming a social connecting platform, it’s a many-to-many concept and relationship centric. Moreover, it encourages transparency in Journalism.

Since it’s so convenient to access the news on the internet most people are selective with the news they want to read. Which can have good and bad sides as all the news online would reach all the readers the way it was suppose to, and since transparency is encouraged on the internet journalism, people’s comments about the news can change how the news in being perceived.

The Internet will definitely give the opportunity for anyone to be a journalist which might be an issue for reliability of the news. While it also gives readers not only black and white pictures and text but also videos, and allows Journalism to be an interactive platform, convenient and easier to retrieve old news anywhere or anytime. Journalism is still revolving with the technology while trying to keep up to the basic values of traditional Journalism while saving cost and ink. Though internet gives on-the-spot coverage, it will definitely not be as creditable, analytic and in-depth as traditional Journalism, as internet news can be in many forms such as status on Facebook, blog postings, tweets or also in a formal news webpage.

Many journalists say that they are scared about the future of Journalism as Internet is changing the credibility and standards of Journalism. But I personally feel that even if Journalism evolves with the internet to be more interactive,transparent and instantly available to readers, as long as the basic principles of Journalism and ethics of Journalism are maintained in the internet Journalism will still be able to have quality news and still survive as a creditable profession.